
*Results may vary due to growing conditions, growing techniques, and nutrients.*

Lineage: Daily Driver (Sundae Driver X Zkittlez) X Phinest Chem D
Formerly known as Crop Duster

Breeder: Phinest Cannabis X Cannarado Genetics

Avg. THC: 25-28%

Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Sativa

Flowering Time: 60-63+ Days

Grower’s Notes: Daily Driver x Chem D cross that emits an offensive gas strain with a Zkittlez exhale. High yielder and high THC content. Terps so loud you can’t hide them in a bag. 63 days+ finishing time; a very potent sativa.

These purple and green nugs glisten with trichomes! This strain often presents users with a happy and giggly euphoria. Ze Chem is a heady strain that makes even the most monotonous days a bit more enjoyable. A true hybrid (Chem D x Daily Driver ), it can be appreciated at anytime and anywhere.

Northern California Sales

Kyle Kaylor

Liz Slayton

Southern California Sales

Abhi Tadoori

COA Test Results

Culture Test Results