
*Results may vary due to growing conditions, growing techniques, and nutrients.*

Lineage: Spyrock OG X Sour Diesel

Breeder: Kristian at Phinest Cannabis

Avg. THC: 25-28%

Dominant Terpenes: β-caryophyllene | D-limonene | β-myrcene

Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Sativa Dominant Hybrid

Flowering Time: 63-70 Days

Resistances: Performs well in a variety of environments and intermediate resistance to botrytis.

Grower’s Notes: Spyrock Sour is a huge upgrade to the traditional sour diesel in terms of its commercial viability. This cultivar is highly vigorous in a vegetative state and can grow 2-3x in size after transitioned into flower with the potential for XXL yields. This cultivar maintains the foundational aroma of sour diesel but stacks dense connected buds that can be harvested in 8-9 weeks that are easy to process. For all growers that are concerned about Sour working for their production, this cut will surely blow you away!

Spyrock Sour is a huge upgrade to the traditional sour diesel in terms of its commercial viability. This cultivar is highly vigorous in a vegetative state and can grow 2-3x in size after transitioning into flower with the potential for XXL yields. This cultivar maintains the foundational aroma of sour diesel but stacks dense connected buds that can be harvested in 8-9 weeks that are easy to process. For all growers that are concerned about Sour working for their production, this cut will surely blow you away!

Northern California Sales

Kyle Kaylor

Liz Slayton

Southern California Sales

Abhi Tadoori

COA Test Results

Culture Test Results