*Results may vary due to growing conditions, growing techniques, and nutrients.*

Lineage: Zkittlez x Gelato


Avg. THC: 28 - 33%

Dominant Terpenes: Beta-Caryophyllene | Linalool | Limonene

Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid

Flowering Time: 56 - 63 Days

Grower’s Notes: She grows upward and doesn't spread out a lot

Also known as "Runtz OG," Zkittlez X Gelato and it is loved for its incredibly fruity flavor profile that smells just like a bag of the sugary candy we all know and love. Because of the rising popularity of this cannabis strain, it's no surprise Runtz was named Leafly Strain of the Year in 2020. Runtz is celebrated for its creamy smoke that is smooth and welcoming. This strain produces euphoric highs and uplifting effects that are known to be long-lasting. 

Northern California Sales

Kyle Kaylor

Liz Slayton

Southern California Sales

Abhi Tadoori

COA Test Results