*Results may vary due to growing conditions, growing techniques, and nutrients.*

Lineage: Pineapple Tart x London Lb Kush Mint

Breeder: Uncle Dad Vibes

Avg. THC: 23-25%

Dominant Terpenes: beta-Caryophyllene, Limonene, beta-Myrcene, Linalool

Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Hybrid

Flowering Time: 56-63 Days

Grower’s Notes: Very chill body buzz that helps with relaxation and appetite. Pineapple Tart Spicoli flowers white with pink and purple flecks and nice internodal spacing, perfect for indoor growing. Sweet blueberry gas.

Northern California Sales

Kyle Kaylor

Liz Slayton

Southern California Sales

Abhi Tadoori

COA Test Results