With a pungent diesel and chemical aroma, Chem Dawg distributes pain and anxiety relief with a creative and uplifting effect.

*Results may vary due to growing conditions, growing techniques, and nutrients.*

Lineage: Heirloom Cultivar

Breeder: Chemdog

Avg. THC: 28-34%

Dominant Terpenes: beta-Caryophyllene | beta-Myrcene | Limonene

Indica/Sativa/Hybrid: Sativa Dominant Hybrid

Flowering Time: 63-70 Days

Resistances: None, but recommended for an expert grower.

Grower’s Notes: With a pungent diesel and chemical aroma, Chem Dawg distributes pain and anxiety relief with a creative and uplifting effect. It's great for anybody during any occasion. Looking to start a project? Get lost in a book? Enjoy the outdoors? This strain is for you! It has an earthy, diesel, lemon and pungent taste and is best grown indoors. It’s effects are uplifting and euphoric.

With a pungent diesel and chemical aroma, Chem Dawg (Sour Diesel x OG Kush) distributes pain and anxiety relief with a creative and uplifting effect. It's great for anybody during any occasion. Looking to start a project? Get lost in a book? Enjoy the outdoors? This strain is for you! 

Northern California Sales

Kyle Kaylor

Liz Slayton

Southern California Sales

Abhi Tadoori

COA Test Results